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Improving patient & staff satisfaction with linen 

Patient and staff satisfaction is paramount in today’s healthcare services field. According to the 2018 study “Upgrading the Quality of Hospital Linens: Effects on Patient and Staff Satisfaction,” just replacing one linen item such a gown or towel with a higher quality product can have a significant impact on both patient and staff perception of a healthcare facility. While the upgraded linens did increase patient satisfaction, the biggest surprise was the staff response. 

The nursing team were noted as saying that the linens “felt nicer and like we were making an investment in our patients,” and that were “easing people’s pain and providing more welcoming care.”

Crown has experienced similar reactions to upgraded linen in the past six months: 

  • At a South Carolina facility, our customer moved to a larger baby blanket and Halo Sleep Sack with glowing staff feedback.
  • A Florida hospital has implemented a “Concierge Program,” where patients can opt to pay privately for upgraded linens during their stay.
  • Several customers have moved to front opening robes and mother’s gowns to encourage vital skin-to-skin contact and ease of breastfeeding after birth.

Want to learn more?  Reach out to your service representative or contact us at for more information.